Maxi bed sheets - Single bed


Confirmed antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus

Posteľné prádlo  Prolen®Medical je vyrobené zo 100% slovenského polypropylénového vlákna Prolen®Siltex a Prolen®Bodyfresh s iónmi striebra a zinku s antivirálnou a antimikrobiálnou ochranou.

Package includes: 1x pillowcase 70×90, 1x pillowcase 140×200.

Catalogue number: -

We recommend washing the product before first use.

Package includes: 1x pillowcase 70×90; 1x pillowcase 140×200.

Oblečenie pre zdravotníkov a textílie rady Prolen®Medical sú vyrobené zo 100% polypropylénového vlákna Prolen®Siltex a Prolen®Bodyfresh, ktoré je ošetrené permanentnou antimikrobiálnou úpravou na báze iónov striebra a zinku a spĺňajú požiadavky zdravotnej bezpečnosti podľa platnej legislatívy Slovenskej republiky a Európskej únie.  Antimikrobiálne aditívum je homogénne distribuované v hmote polypropylénových vláknach Prolen®Siltex a Prolen®Bodyfresh s účinnosťou počas celej životnosti finálneho produktu.

The active ingredient with silver and zinc ions provides effective ANTIVIRAL AND ANTIMICROBIAL protection, reduces unpleasant odours, ensures hygienic freshness and cleanliness and reduces the risk of cross-contamination.

The antimicrobial additive in Prolen®Siltex and Prolen®Bodyfresh is permanent, does not leak into your skin and does not wash out into wastewater as is the case with surface antimicrobial treated fabrics such as cotton or polyester.

The Prolen®Medical product line complies with EN13975-1 (surgical gowns, gowns and clean air garments used as medical devices for patients, medical staff and equipment) and is designed for the control and management of infectious environments in the hospital setting with a major impact on infections associated with medical and nursing care.

Composition: 100% polypropylene Prolen®Siltex and Prolen®Bodyfresh


Properties of Prolen®Siltex and Prolen®Bodyfresh fabrics


  • SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (causing Covid-19 disease): >99% reduction
  • Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 >99% reduction


  • Klebsiella pneumoniae >99.9% reduction
  • Staphylococcus aureus >99.9% reduction
  • Escherichia Coli > 99.9% reduction


  • EN 13795-1 Prolen®Medical 95


  • STN EN ISO 11092:2015


  • STN 80 0055: 2004 and Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 - REACH


  • Standard 100 by OEKOTEX, Class 1, Appendix 6 - contact with children's skin


  • ISO 9001:2015 
  • EN ISO 14001:2015


  • Minimum 100 standard wash cycles


  • Can be sterilised up to 135°C.


  • The density of Prolen® fibre is 0.9 g/cm3: the drape floats on water.

ZERO MOISTURE ABSORPTION, HYDROPHOBICITY:                                                                 

  • Prolen® fibre absorbs only 0.01% moisture (cotton 8-10%).


  • Polypropylene is 100% recyclable, zero water consumption in production.

DOES NOT RELEASE SHORT FIBRES AND PARTICLES:                                                                                                                                             

  • The Prolen®Medical product line is made of multifilament fibre without loose ends, not spun short fibres (cotton) which are released into the environment when rubbed.

SLOVAK PRODUCT:                       

  • Od základnej suroviny, cez vlákno až po finalizáciu výrobku, je rada Prolen®Medical vyrobená na Slovensku, kúpu tohto výrobku podporujete našu lokálnu ekonomiku.

Recommended use:

The product is suitable for protection for casual wear in hospital facilities, when handling and visiting in medical facilities, clinics, wellness salons, spas, etc. Its material composition provides enhanced protection against viruses and bacteria. It prevents the penetration of foreign substances to the skin. The product is also easily washable from chemical stains and grease with easy and quick drying and without the need for ironing. It is low maintenance.

Recommended treatment:

Prolen®Medical can be washed and sterilised several times until it is mechanically damaged. The product lifetime is a minimum of 100 washes with preservation of antimicrobial properties.

 Pranie medzi 40ºC a 70ºC, odporúčaná teplota 60°C.

We recommend blasting at 400 rpm, max. 600 rpm.

Cleaning agent: any type, disinfectants including chlorine are allowed .

Do not use fabric softener to maintain the hydrophobicity of the product .

Sušenie: rýchle schnutie, nulová absorpcia vody.

Dryer: recommended temperature 40ºC / max. 40ºC Duration: 20 min. + 5 min. cold.

Drying tunnel: recommendation 70ºC, max 70ºC.

Ironing: do not iron directly, only low temperature ironing with steam is allowed.

After the washing or drying process is complete, it is recommended to hang or fold the garments immediately to reduce the amount of creases.

Sterilization max. up to 135°C.

Further information


Biela, Bledomodrá, Čierna, Levanduľová, Mentolová, Modrá, Ružová, Siva, Zelená


140 x 200 cm, 50 x 70 cm


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