Vaccination as prevention in winter: What are the advantages and disadvantages of flu vaccination?
9 January, 2023

Would you like to avoid the flu this winter and are thinking about getting vaccinated? Or have you been thinking about getting the vaccine for a while but still haven't decided? In that case, this article is for you. We'll explain how vaccination works, what the advantages and disadvantages are, and talk about other ways to protect yourself against the flu.

How does the flu vaccination work?

During vaccination, proteins commonly found in the influenza virus are injected into the bloodstream. The immune system then responds by making specialised immune cells called antibodies. These antibodies can fight the flu virus.

Benefits of vaccination

The flu vaccination has several benefits. It works as a prevention against flu infection, can ease the course and protects those most vulnerable.

Prevention against influenza infection

The flu vaccine can prevent 40% to 60% of flu infections. After vaccination, antibodies remain in the body throughout the flu season. They can prevent you from getting sick or significantly reduce the progression of the flu.

Vaccination relieves symptoms

You can get the flu even if you have been vaccinated against it. However, you are likely to have a less severe course after you have been vaccinated. Your immune cells are more likely to recognise the flu virus as a threat and start fighting it off sooner after vaccination.

A 2015 study found that vaccinated adults were less likely to develop a high fever when they contracted influenza compared to unvaccinated adults. The vaccinated group also experienced a quicker resolution of symptoms.

Building collective immunity

By vaccinating, we help build collective immunity. This means that the more people are immune to influenza viruses, the less likely they are to spread further. Community immunity is especially important to protect the elderly, people with health problems, or babies who cannot yet get the flu vaccine.

Disadvantages of vaccination

Vaccination also brings with it disadvantages. One of the biggest drawbacks is the side effects, which usually do not last long.

Side effects

One of the disadvantages of vaccination is the side effects, which are usually only mild and last about 1 to 3 days. Common side effects of influenza vaccination are:

  • headaches,
  • muscle pain,
  • feeling nauseous,
  • chills,
  • swelling around the puncture site.

You can still get the flu

Even if you get vaccinated, there is still a chance that you will get the flu. However, your immune system has built up antibodies after the vaccination, so your course is more likely to be milder after the vaccination.

How to protect yourself against flu?

Earlier in the article, we explained that vaccination is an effective way to protect yourself against the flu. However, there are other ways that we can reduce the risk of infection and transmission:

  • regular hand washing with soap and water,
  • avoiding large crowds,
  • strengthening the immune system,
  • cleaning and disinfection of surfaces,
  • wearing Prolen® Medical antiviral clothing,
  • use of protective equipment.